Vivek Anand

Vivek Anand

PhD Student

Georgia Institute of Technology

About Me

Hi there!

Iā€™m currently a PhD Student in Machine Learning at Georgia Tech where I am currently advised by Prof. Christopher Rozell and Dr. Sankaraleengam Alagapan.

My research interests are at the intersection of Machine Learning, Neuroscience and Economics. I am interested in understanding how people make decisions. Currently I am working on 1) developing comparison based machine learning algorithms to learn about subjective percepts like motivation and cognitive effort and 2) using Stereoelectroencephalography to reveal the neural dynamics of effort-based decision-making.

I finished my Masters in Computer Science, at Georgia Tech, specializing in Machine Learning, where I was advised by Prof. Aditya Prakash. I incorporated group information in modelling Healthcare Associated Infections.

Previously, I was an Applied AI Intern at Netomi, an AI for customer service startup, where I was mentored by Dr. Partho Nath. I developed semi-supervised clustering methods for topic discovery in large customer service ticket datasets.

In the Summer of 2020, I was a SURF Intern at Caltech where I was advised by Prof. Adam Wierman. We developed energy-aware algorithms to schedule precedence constrained tasks on multiple servers.

I finished my undergraduate studies, double majoring in Computer Science and Biology with a minor in Statistics, at Penn State where I completed my Honors thesis with Prof. Daniel Kifer. For my thesis, I worked on improving the scalability of certifiably adversarial robust deep neural networks.

Other than research, Iā€™m an enthusiastic amateur cricket player šŸ an avid reader šŸ“š, and learn Muay Thai šŸ„Š.

If you would like to get in contact with me, feel free to reach out via email.

  • Ph.D. in Machine Learning, In Progress

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • M.S. in Computer Science, 2023

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • B.S. (Honors) in Computer Science, 2021

    The Pennsylvania State University

  • B.S. in Biology, 2021

    The Pennsylvania State University

Recent Publications

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(2024). H^2ABM: Heterogeneous Agent-based Model on Hypergraphs to Capture Group Interactions. Proceedings of the 2024 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM).

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(2023). Incremental versus Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks - the Case of Tree Topologies. International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications 2023.

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(2022). Mitigating Filter Bubbles within Deep Recommender Systems.

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(2022). Modelling Healthcare Associated Infections with Hypergraphs. epiDAMIK 5.0: The 5th International workshop on Epidemiology meets Data Mining and Knowledge discovery at KDD 2022.

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(2022). Learning-Augmented Energy-Aware Scheduling of Precedence-Constrained Tasks. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review.

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